Photos from 2023 VA State Championships and Royalettes in Revue

Royalettes 2024 Holiday Party

Thank you to Pose 4 Lola for this great photos!

2024 VA State Championships and

​Royalettes in Revue

Congratulations to Connor Rudd for placing 1st in the Congressional Cup Men's Invitational 2017, and to his coach, Diane Gunnels.

Congratulations to Brittany & Victoria Maiden, and their coach,
​Diane Gunnels, for winning the Silver Medal in the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS held in Italy, April 2015.  The Royalettes are very proud of all of your accomplishments throughout your twirling career!!

Connor placed 3rd in 2-Baton at the 2019 Grand Prix Baton Twirling Competition in France!  Way to go Connor!!

Connor Rudd

National Baton Twirling Championships

University of Notre Dame

​July 2023